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Olaf Alders

Building things nobody asked for


How I Spent My Perl Toolchain Summit v2024
·3582 words·17 mins
metacpan perl Programming Perl Toolchain Summit
One Line Fuzzy Find for Git Worktree
·693 words·4 mins
fzf git awk bash
Getting Started with perlimports
·3104 words·15 mins
linting perlimports precious tidying
GitHub Copilot Chat: First Impressions
·3087 words·15 mins
AI GitHub GitHub Copilot
Find and Fix More Typos
·1402 words·7 mins
fzf linting Neovim precious tidying typos VS Code
Using Tig to Make Sense of Git
·1188 words·6 mins
git Tig TUI