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WWW::Mechanize Best Practices

·948 words·5 mins·
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Recently at $work we were discussing some of the behaviours of WWW::Mechanize when submitting forms. For instance, when you pass the fields parameter to the submit_form() method, Mechanize might take a very lax approach to submitting your data. Imagine the following form:

<form id="foo">
<input type="text" name="A">
<input type="text" name="B">

Now take the following code:

my $mech = WWW::Mechanize->new;
    form_id => 'foo',
    fields  => { A => 'foo', B => 'bar', C => 'baz' },

Mechanize will happily post all of these fields to the form for you, even though the form doesn’t contain an input with the field “C”. If there is no server side validation which checks for unknown fields, you’ll likely get a 2XX status code in your response and all will appear to be well. This can lead to some confusing and hard to debug situations, especially if you’ve done something as subtle as misspelling an input name. You could be banging your head against the wall for quite some time.


You can protect yourself from this scenario via with_fields, which will only submit forms which contain all of the provided fields.

my $mech = WWW::Mechanize->new;
    form_id => 'foo',
    with_fields => { A => 'foo', B => 'bar', C => 'baz' },

If you try to run this code, Mechanize will die with a message like “There is no form with the requested fields at…”. This is already a big improvement. (Note that form_id is optional in this case. If you leave it out then Mechanize will only look for a for which contains all of the fields provided by with_fields. If we provide form_id then Mechanize will want a form which matches the provided id and which also provides all of the required fields).


Can we do any better than this? You bet. We can supply a strict_forms parameter to submit_form. This switches HTML::Form’s strict behaviour on. From HTML::Form’s docs:

Initialize any form objects with the given strict attribute. If the strict is turned on the methods that change values of the form will croak if you try to set illegal values or modify readonly fields.

That’s above and beyond what with_fields brings to the table. Handy stuff. Try to do this wherever possible if you want to make your life easier.

my $mech = WWW::Mechanize->new;
    form_id      => 'foo',
    fields       => { A => 'foo', B => 'bar', C => 'baz' },
    strict_forms => 1,

If strict_forms finds a problem, your code will die with something like “No such field β€˜C’ at…”.

Notice that the above example uses fields and not with_fields. I would encourage you to use fields with strict_forms whenever possible. The reason is that with_fields will throw an exception before strict_forms is able to perform any validation. So, in many cases you’ll end up with the less helpful error message – the one which doesn’t name the offending field(s).

If for some reason, you need with_fields for your form selection, keep in mind that strict_forms can still find additional issues (like trying to set readonly fields). My advice would be to use strict_forms whenever possible and to use with_fields only in cases where fields + strict_forms is not possible.

In summary, TIMTOWDI, but here’s the order of preference for incantations of submit_form:

  • fields + strict_forms
  • with_fields + strict_forms
  • with_fields


autocheck can save you the overhead of checking status codes for success. You may outgrow it as your needs get more sophisticated, but it’s a safe option to start with. Consider the following code:

my $mech = WWW::Mechanize->new;

This code doesn’t die or warn, since it assumes you will “do the right thing” by checking status codes etc. Now try this:

my $mech = WWW::Mechanize->new( autocheck => 1 );

If you run the above code you’ll get something like “Error GETing foobar.comcom: URL must be absolute at…”, which can also save you a lot of heartache.


You are encouraged to install Mozilla::PublicSuffix and use HTTP::CookieJar::LWP as your cookie jar. This allows you to take advantage of HTTP::CookieJar which is more modern than HTTP::Cookies and “ adheres as closely as possible to the user-agent rules of RFC 6265”. See also

use HTTP::CookieJar::LWP ();

my $jar = HTTP::CookieJar::LWP->new;
my $mech = WWW::Mechanize->new( cookie_jar => $jar );


How about restricting the protocols your agent might follow? Let’s look at protocols_allowed: This option is inherited directly from LWP::UserAgent. It allows you to whitelist the protocols you’re willing to allow.

my $agent = WWW::Mechanize->new( protocols_allowed => [ 'http', 'https' ] );

This will prevent you from inadvertently following URLs like file:///etc/passwd


If you don’t want to whitelist your protocols, you can blacklist them instead. Unsurprisingly, this option is called protocols_forbidden: This option is also inherited directly from LWP::UserAgent. It allows you to blacklist the protocols you’re unwilling to allow.

my $agent = WWW::Mechanize->new(
    protocols_forbidden => [ 'file', 'mailto', 'ssh', ] );

This will prevent you from inadvertently following URLs like file:///etc/passwd

Creating a Stricter Agent

If we put together all of these together we get something like:

my $agent = WWW::Mechanize->new(
    autocheck         => 1,
    cookie_jar        => HTTP::CookieJar::LWP->new,
    protocols_allowed => ['http','https',],

Using these settings in conjunction with strict_forms can help you with debugging, security and also your own sanity.

Making it Official

Much of what has been discussed here is now documented at Edit: It has been pointed out to me that readers of this article may also benefit from my previous UserAgent Debugging Made Easy post.

See Also

If WWW::Mechanize does not fit your use case, see also WWW::Mechanize::Chrome, WWW::Mechanize::Firefox, WWW::Mechanize::Cached, LWPx::UserAgent::Cached and Mojo::UserAgent.


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